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About Me

At the intersection between technical and creative

I received my Bachelor of Arts degree from Duke University with a double major in computer science and visual art. I then decided to return to school with a greater focus on my passion for animation, leading me to the Savannah College of Art and Design, where I am studying technical animation. My particular specialty within this realm is character rigging, along with 3D modeling, texturing, simulation, and character animation.

I’m especially interested in narrative fiction that focuses on impossible worlds and characters. I firmly believe in the power of “unrealistic” stories to feel real to us and engage with our emotions and imaginations. Needless to say, I’m drawn to fantasy and science fiction, especially involving nonhuman characters such as humanoids, aliens, and anthropomorphized animals and objects.

These things have always resonated with me. To me, they represent the true power of fiction: to bring the imagination to life. As a kid, I grew up on cartoons and video games. They fed my imagination and brought my creative drive to life. Even now that I have developed a more general artistic interest, I always find myself coming back to the realms of complete, impossible fantasy. My work is, first and foremost, a way for me to explore the impossible as well as an invitation for the viewer to come along for the ride.

Contact Me

(919) 864-1977

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